Monday, August 20, 2007

ready, set, go!

I am currently gearing up for my crazy, busy fall to start! I just came off a week of vacation, which was admittedly full but also very refreshing. Unfortunately, it also involved my first ever car accident. From how much that shook me up, you'd think it was a head on collision cruisin' down the highway, but no, thankfully it was only a little parking lot crunch. However, the shock of that event was evened out by time spent with old and new friends, another painting project, a day at Cannon Beach, and a weekend at the island with college friends (otherwise known as Puget Island, which is in the Columbia River, not far from the tiny little town of Cathlamet). It was hard to get up when my alarm went off this morning! My system is reeling. This week I go straight into work and INTERNSHIP!! I can't believe that after almost two years of classes, I finally get to see if this is something I really do enjoy. I have been mostly excited, intermixed with a few spurts of nervousness. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday of this week I will be at the college's freshman orientation activities and doing training with my supervisor and the other interns. Next week, I could potentially begin seeing clients, depending on if students some into the counseling center. Clients!! I am expecting that Wednesday morning (my first day of training), my emotions will quickly sky rocket to near-panic. Pray for me...


Ionela Băloi said...

Hi Sara! I am Ionela. I just created a weblog for me and I sow urs...and I sow that you wrote a vers from psalm 91, one of my favorittes. I am also a christian and I was happy to read ur blog! Keep it this way ;)

Julie Brown said...

Internship!! AHHH!!! You're going to do really well! I know you will! I hope that you feel relaxed and at ease dispite any nervousness! Fear not my friend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara! Good luck this week. I hope training and everything is going well. You're going to do great:) We'll have to get together again soon...