Thursday, August 2, 2007

an eternal perspective

This morning I found out that a friend from our old church in Bellevue is dealing with cancer. Ironically I found out through facebook, which I barely ever look at - I created an account years ago on a whim and have never taken the time to get into it. But I'm so glad that this news made it to me.

My friend's name is Ben. He and his wife, Lisa, have been married 2 years and both are in their mid-twenties. Ben found out in May of this year that he has a very rare and aggressive form of abdominal cancer, that generally does not respond well to chemo treatments. Still, since May he has been undergoing rounds of chemo; I think he is on his 5th of 7 total rounds, if I followed correctly. I've spent some time today (too much time, I admit) reading Ben's blog:

Here is the story of a man after God's own heart. I'm brought to tears reading it; not just by the tragic circumstances that these friends are facing, but by the grace and humility I read in every word written. Ben says, "God has called me out of my "normal" life and presented me with a chance to get to know him better." I don't think anything I can write in reflection to that statement can be more powerful than the statement in and of itself. If you read more of his blog, you hear their sorrow, their discouragement, their confusion. But you also see their faith, their love for God, their humility, and their joy. You see two individuals clinging to God through his Word, prayer and fellowship with other Christians. And when I say clinging - I mean clinging. Not the way I cling to God when I get stressed about work and school or feel sad about missing my friends. But clinging to God like someone hanging by a thin rope on the edge of the Grand Canyon. It's strange to me that I just recently posted on celebrating life in the midst of trouble, and here is a perfect living example that it is possible.

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