Monday, June 9, 2008

what's new with me?

Work: Busy. I've had 2 doctoral class almost back to back and have a to do list over a page long of items that have taken a back burner so that I could focus on preparing for the classes. Since I like having all the loose ends neatly tied, this has been stressful for me. I have piles of things all over my office of different projects that are awaiting my attention.

School: Intense. I am only taking one class right now, on career and lifestyle development, but summer class are done as intensives, so it's a full 3 credit class crammed into 6 weeks. This one is over at the end of the month, and then I have two in July - a class on ethics, and a class dealing with the integration of counseling and the Christian faith. I like my career class, though. I'm working on a presentation right now, dealing with how the church can be more involved in career guidance. The idea is that God builds people for a purpose - each individual has unique talents and gifts that can be applied in a career, whether that is ministry or business. Seeing a person discover their giftings, realize their passions, and figure out how these can be used to meet a need in the world is exciting to me.

Internship: None. I get a break! I finished up at the college in May, and will start at Open House Ministries in September. I am glad to have a little more room in my schedule.

Family: Complicated. My Grandpa broke his hip about 6 weeks ago, and has been in the hospital, then a rehab facility, and now an adult care facility. He probably won't be able to move back into the retirement apartment where he and my grandma lived before, because it's likely he won't regain full functioning and the retirement apartment is not able to provide the care services he will need. This means that he and my grandma - who have been married for 65+ years - probably won't be able to live together anymore. Wow. I can't imagine. My mom has been spending a lot of time with them, and is drained in all ways. I'm too far away to do much, and feel completed out of the loop. On the other side of the family, David's parents moved down to Vancouver to be closer to us, and his mom's sister whose whole family is down here.

Friends: Fabulous! I've been intentionally making time for coffee and other fun times to relax, and this has paid off. Whoever said that thing about each man being his own island (or whatever) was nuts! We're made for community; we're made for relationships; and no matter how introverted a person is, they've got to have the support of at least a few key people.

David: Well, he's having to put up with me dealing with all of the above. We've got plans to hike to the crater at the top of Mt. St. Helens in July, and then spend a few days down at Crater Lake in August. I'm excited!

So. If anyone does still happen to check my ill-kept and outdated blog, that's an update on me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) about time!