Tuesday, October 9, 2007

junior high moment

I had an experience this week that transported me back to junior high, and all the sudden I felt like a dorky, insecure 13 year old who just wants people to like her. I was so mad that one tiny little thing could make me feel this way! It's frustrating that no matter how we grow and how hard we might work on some things, a comment, a look, an attitude can transport us back 15 years. I can sit here and tell myself all day that nothing was meant by the occurrence, and it does nothing. I hate that. I believe so firmly that God cherishes me as his child, that he has gifted me and given me passions that I can use in my life for him. And I'm so grateful for the security I find in him and the assurance (and the conviction of sin, too, of course. I'm not perfect and I know that). But even with all that, it just takes a single moment, and I feel like I just stepped out of a time machine on the campus of my junior high, awkward and shy, wondering if people like me. Gracious Father, help me put things back into perspective!

1 comment:

Diane said...

And it will continue to come around as we go up the spiral that is our lives! Darn