Friday, October 5, 2007

the possibilities in 10 minutes

I'm adjusting to going about my day at internship in 50 minute/10 minute intervals. 50 minutes with a client, then a 10 minute break, 50 minutes with a new client, then a 10 minute break, 5o minutes with a new client... you get the idea. I've been surprised by what can be accomplished in 10 minutes; a span of time which always seemed rather short to me before entering this field. In 10 minutes, I finish making notes in the client's file while things are still fresh, put the file away, get out the next client's file and briefly remind myself of some key ideas, use the restroom, refill my water bottle, eat something substantial enough to stop my tummy from grumbling, greet the next client and tell them I'll be with them shortly, touch base briefly with another intern to encourage one another in our day... it's amazing at what this little segment of time can be used for! It never seemed so full of possibilities to me before. :)

1 comment:

lacey said...

You're actually doing it!! I'm so proud - is it weird that I'm proud of you? Your clients are blessed to have you.