Wednesday, August 1, 2007

the dee dah day dance

I recently finished a class called Prayer and Other Key Disciplines. One of the disciplines we learned about was celebration; taking moments throughout the day to celebrate life and experience joy. We read The Life You've Always Wanted by John Ortberg (which I highly recommend). In it, Ortberg describes the antics of his young daughter after bath time. She would climb out of the tub, but instead of rushing for the warm towel extended to her, would run in circles, completely naked, singing her own little made up song, "dee dah day, dee dah day." I can just picture this little girl reveling in the joy of bath time, soaking up the moment without a care in the world. As an adult, I might have more worries than a small child, but I want to see the simple things and experience joy, too; do my own little dee dah day dance - whatever that might look like. :) I dread the thought of growing into a depressed cranky old woman who lets the pressures of life get her down permanently. Oh, please Lord- let my desire for joy despite the pressures of life not be a naive wishful thought but a reality througout my lifetime.

I am reminded that I serve a God of compassion and joy, whose mercies are new every morning. Ortberg says that God's essential nature is that of joy, and I just love that idea. Yes, sovereign; yes, kingly; yes, holy and righteous and just. But also joy. I am also reminded that joy is not the absence of sorrow. Happiness may only exist in the absence of sorrow, but joy - joy goes beyond happiness. Joy is something deep, something lasting, something that I believe comes from God as a gift. It isn't something I can just conjure up on my own. So even though there is pain in my life, and worry and stress, I can still find joy.

So here are some little things that I am taking joy in today:

- the feel of sunshine on my face
- the sound of the wind in the leaves of the trees outside our bedroom
- yogurt mixed with granola and dried cranberries
- nectarines at the peak of ripeness - especially sliced and eaten with cottage cheese
- a husband who makes my tea every morning before work
- the ability to drink in the beauty around me - like our freshly painted living room!
- good music that energizes me - like Rascal Flatts, Alison Krauss, Passion Worship Band, Journey
- friends who continue to love me even when I don't see them as often as I'd like
- Harry Potter (we are enjoying the 7th book very much!)
- laughter, laughter, laughter

What do you take joy in?


Diane said...

You had a dee dah day dance when you were about 4. It had no words but lots of humming and moving up and down in time with the humming. It is one of the treasures of motherhood to remember you and this dance.


Julie Brown said...

I take joy in my nieces, the sunshine (when its around), afternoon walks, friends, and so much more. Thanks Sarah for the reminder to stop and delight in all thats around! You're a blessing to work with!

Roger said...

I receive lots of of joy in just reading your blot entries. I treasure your heart and its yearnings and I know the path you are on will lead you home.