Saturday, November 1, 2008

halloween highlights

A few highlights from my Halloween activities:

- Date night spent making dinner together and staying in to watch a movie... while being interrupted over 10-15 minutes by decked out trick-o-treaters

- Answering the doorbell and being greeted by about eight 3 and 4 year olds; little miniature animals, princesses, fairies, devils, and witches grouped around staring wide-eyed at me while a whole host of parents stood on the sidewalk snapping pictures. Quite an intimidating bunch, these young kiddos.

- An 18 month old little girl dressed fully as the most impressive Gypsy I've ever seen - full colorful ruffled dress with a little bandanna around her probably bald head, toddling unsteadily toward the candy bowl at mom's urging.

- A boy dressed all in black, with various cereal box attached to his front, back and sides. When queried about his costume, he revealed with some charisma that he was dressed as a "cereal" killer - but "all the knives fell out". Knives? Not sure what he meant, but I laughed so hard at his creativity.

- Concluding the evening with an exciting and dangerous game of mafia with the youth group at church, where the lights were turned off while scary music played loudly throughout the building. Listening to the kids make accusations and create elaborate and detailed defenses was priceless.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I love reading your blog. Just wanted to let you know I read it