Tuesday, August 5, 2008

the audacity!

We attended a friend's wedding this past weekend and had a wonderful time catching up with some college friends we don't get a chance to see as often as we'd like. We also heard probably one of the best wedding sermons ever. The pastor led off with a statement something along the lines of "no time seems to be a good time for marriage." I know, doesn't seem to be off to a good start, huh? He went on to commend the boldness of people who attempt such a step, pausing to wonder what our dear friends - who, mind you, are standing at the altar waiting to exchange their vows - think they are doing? My favorite phrase was his claim of the "audacity of marriage." I loved the whole thing. Today it seems like people enter into marriages with more thought about the dress, the cake and the music than about what it might mean to love one another until death, in sickness and health, in good times and in bad.

Having just celebrated our 6th anniversary, David and I have now been married long enough to recognize that things are not always as lovely as they were on our wedding day (okay, we probably realized that a while ago!). And I am thrilled to say we are beginning to grasp the truth that there is GREAT boldness and audacity that is required of two people who make a commitment to remain together as partners in life. In a time when the very definition of marriage is being battered from all sides (I heard recently that there are on-going discussions of high commitment marriage licenses vs. low commitment marriage licences, or licences that are designed to expire in 7 years, requiring the couple to renew it), this pastor's message was honest and refreshing. It is not all roses and chocolate, but it is a beautiful thing. It's beautiful because those who have the audacity to enter into marriage and commit to it - and stay committed to it even when it's rough - are a living picture of God's faithfulness to us when we insult, forget, and deny him.

Who are these kids anyway??


Diane said...

Yeah, who are these kids. How young you were. You have made a good marriage.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, is this your wedding day??? You guys look 16!