Tuesday, November 20, 2007

the Lord will fight for you...

As a counselor in training, one of the toughest theological issues that I face is how to reconcile the reality of pain and suffering with the character of God: loving, gracious, and powerful to do all that He is able to do. If He loves us so much, why does He allow the terrible pain that every human experiences? I confess that I could rattle off a slick answer; I have studied these doctrines in the past and we spent a good part of my theology class last night wrestling with this issue again. And I do have what I would call a head answer; a way to reconcile this seeming contradiction within myself, accounting for the biblical data while also being true to the reality and intensity of human emotion. But my prof showed us this video, a skit done to the song "Everything" by Lifehouse. And beyond any head answer I can provide, the video provided a heart answer; it illustrated my theology in a way that words cannot. I hope, if you happen to stumble across this posting, that it blesses you as much as it did me.


Diane said...

That is an incredible video! Thank you

Roger said...

Help! I find no button to view the video!!!
