Sunday, October 14, 2007

look at this cutie!

Four weeks ago, I became an aunt (for the 8th time, but still!). Here is cutie pie Jonathan Thomas Jr. His mom sent me this picture a few days ago. Agghhh! I was honored. David says he looks exactly like his brother when he was a baby (this is my nephew on David's side of the family). Look how much hair he has! It's even naturally spiked - such a trendy kid. They are back in South Carolina, so we've haven't had a chance to see them yet, but plans are in motion for them to be out here in December, and I think they might stay with us for several days! Yay, baby staying in our house with us. Oh yeah, it will be great to see my brother in law and his wife too. :)


Diane said...

He looks like Jonathan!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.