Friday, April 27, 2007

what a headache

As of Monday, my first semester is OVER! Finals went fine, so I think I can conclude that my first classes were a success. It feels good to be done, but at the same time, I feel like I still have a lot to do before I graduate. Tomorrow I will actually be at Western's graduation ceremonies because I got roped into being a Marshall (the person who wears a gown and leads the students in during the procession, and then leads them out after it is over).

Anyway, I have a little break before summer classes start. Tuesday was great, but then Wednesday I started to get an awful migraine, which, of course, lasted through Thursday night. A rarity for me, usually even the worst headaches I get are gone the next day. Even now I can feel the threat of that pounding pain in the recesses of my brain. Can I just say how much I dislike these headaches? I have suffered from them for as long as I can remember. In 4th grade, I remember going home from school with headaches often. What 4th grader gets headaches bad enough to leave school? And even now, it feels like such a lame excuse for not feeling well- "oh, I can't, I have a headache". At least if you have the flu or pneumonia, it sounds significant. Ugh. Okay, so this blog is just to say: Headaches suck.


Lisa said...

Hi Sara,

I just wanted you to know that I check in with your blog every now and then ... loving the family blog too. By the way, you're right - headaches suck!

- Lisa

Roger said...

Bad headache, good first semester. What did it feel like marching the graduates in and out? I can imagine you feel very "mature" and grown up!