Tuesday, November 20, 2007

the Lord will fight for you...

As a counselor in training, one of the toughest theological issues that I face is how to reconcile the reality of pain and suffering with the character of God: loving, gracious, and powerful to do all that He is able to do. If He loves us so much, why does He allow the terrible pain that every human experiences? I confess that I could rattle off a slick answer; I have studied these doctrines in the past and we spent a good part of my theology class last night wrestling with this issue again. And I do have what I would call a head answer; a way to reconcile this seeming contradiction within myself, accounting for the biblical data while also being true to the reality and intensity of human emotion. But my prof showed us this video, a skit done to the song "Everything" by Lifehouse. And beyond any head answer I can provide, the video provided a heart answer; it illustrated my theology in a way that words cannot. I hope, if you happen to stumble across this posting, that it blesses you as much as it did me.

these boots are made for walkin'

For three years in a row now, I have pondered the purchase of tall black boots. Alas, I have either looked too late in the season, or been hesitant to pay the price. So this year, I decided I was going to do it. Sunday, after finishing a grueling theology exam, I gave myself a break and bought my early Christmas present. I know it's silly to be so excited over a pair of boots, but truly, this was a bright spot in my week. I'm wearing them today for the first time, and having so much fun!

the end is (sort of) in sight!

I met with my advisor at the seminary yesterday, to talk through scheduling for next semester. As we went through the classes I still have to take, and started to plan out when I would take each of them, I realized that I don't have as many semesters left as I had thought. It looks like I will walk in graduation ceremonies in the Spring of 2009, though I'll continue to take classes and internship through August to finish the final requirements. Crazy! That's only 5 more semesters. A little over a year and a half. If all goes smoothly, at least, which it may not. And then...? Anyone who knows me well knows what I am looking forward to most when I am done with school. Hint: they are really little, really beautiful, and are so wonderful to hold (when they are not crying).

Thursday, November 1, 2007

happy halloween!

Last night between the hours of 6:30pm when we arrived home and 9pm when we decided to turn our porch lights off and blow out the candles in our jack-o-lanterns, we handed out almost 6 bags of candy to trick or treaters (David actually ran to the store to get more halfway through the evening). It was a steady stream of witches, superheros, pirates, fairies, black cats, princesses, lions, space figures, scandalously dressed girls that I was afraid to ask what their costumes were, and much much more. My particular favorite was a little 3 year old girl with blond pig-tails dressed quite believably as a cheerleader. We were also serenaded by 4 junior high boys (in full Christmas clothing) singing "Deck the Halls." They sang all the verses, and not the funny version; the real words! I told them they had skipped two holidays and went straight to Christmas, but sent them on their way with candy. It was SO much better than going to an adult Halloween party!

And, we received a picture of this little darling from my sister in law. I admit it, I'm a little baby-crazed these days. Man, I want my own little lion baby! :)