Wednesday, February 28, 2007

my first blog: marriage and life

I must admit, I have gone back and forth on the decision to create a blog. What will I write? And if I think of something brilliant to write, who will read it? But in the end, I decided that even if no one attends to this site on any sort of regular basis (or never), mostly I wanted a blog for me- because doesn't everyone want a chance to say what is really on their heart? Okay, well- I'm not planning on posting my deepest darkest secrets. But, it is a chance to reflect on, well, life. Being a student in a Counseling program, I think that I tend to think about life a little more than the average person. Maybe almost too much. :)

My husband, David, and I recently moved to Vancouver, Washington from the Seattle area. We both left jobs that we enjoyed and were very comfortable in. We left our first home that we had bought and worked on together. We left both sets of parents as well as several siblings. We left some of the best friends I have ever imagined having. We left a church with a pastor so brilliant we left every Sunday feeling fed. And it was one of the more difficult things that I have done. The morning we were scheduled to pull out in the moving van, I just stood in our very empty living room, in the early still-dark hours of morning, and cried. Walking out the front door and leaving that life behind was sad- even if the reason for all that leaving was really exciting. Because what awaited us were new jobs, a new apartment, a new opportunity to go back to graduate school, a new church, and even new extended family to get to know. But still, the leaving was hard. But what it made me realize is how very much I treasure my husband. I had to say good-bye to a lot. But David? David I got to take with me. And that is pretty amazing, that God gives us a person that we get to hang on to as we go through life. It made me realize the truth of the idea of a marriage partner. And it made me feel pretty blessed.